Memento mori
WSOY 2020, 228 pages, B5, colour, hardcover.
ISBN: 978-951-0-44748-2
Momento Mori is an autobiographical graphic novel about suffering a cerebral hemorrhage and the consequences of the illness. This is a slow paced adventure from the accident and emergency through intensive care and a ward at Tampere Central Hospital to a long sick leave. Wrestling all along with the presence of death, adding up the final ‘balance sheet’ of life, inhumane levels of exhaustion and the inability to do any work.
I begun this graphic novel less than a year after I’d gotten ill. Before this graphic novel came out as a book, I published it for three years in my blog. Momento Mori is a very intimate piece of work about a very personal topic.
Momento Mori has also been published in French and is about to come out also in Poland.